Cessna 152 - C-GYHS


The Cessna 152 was crafted by Cessna in 1977 as an improved version of the Cessna 150 with the more powerful 110hp Lycoming O-235 engine. The later A152 Aerobat was certified as a positive-g aerobatic aircraft capable of up to +6g. Originally designed to be a two-seat touring aircraft, it has since proven itself to be a cost-effective and robust trainer still in use three decades after the production line was shutdown. At ALM Par Avion, GYHS is the platform of choice for everyone from students working towards their first solo to experienced instructors with thousands of flight hours.


GYHS has the standard "six pack" instrumentation found in most training aircrafts. This instrument layout allows students to develop a good scanning pattern early in their training, making the transition to a technologically advanced aircraft simpler than the reverse process. For students in intial training, the instrument layout corresponds to the most number of textbook materials, making the learning process straightforward. For students demonstrating their instructing abilities to an examiner, GYHS allows the easiest breakdown of each instrumentation and their functions.


GYHS is equipped with an integrated GPS/COMM unit, a second NAV/COMM unit, a Mode C transponder, and an Artex 406MHz automatic fixed ELT unit. The Bendix King KLX 135A is one of the original GPS units to ever be introduced into general aviation. Despite its age, the unti still displays a moving map, airport, navaids, and all esssential features of a VFR GPS. The slightly younger KX 155A comm 2 unit features a standard comm channel with 25k spacing, and a standard NAV channel with VOR capabilities. The Narco AT 150 Mode C transponder fulfills the requirements for all Canadian controlled airspace, and the big IDENT button is effortless to locate by day or by night. Below the transponder is the remote unit for the Artex ELT located in the tail of the aircraft. The Artex unit transmits on both 121.5 and 406MHz, conforming to all modern safety standards.

Electrical System

On the flight test, the examiner may ask the candidate to describe the electrical system of the aircraft. With GYHS, you won't have too much to study. With switches few enough to literally count on one hand, the 152 allows you to understand the airplane in a reasonable amount of time.

Ancillary Controls

With a simple fixed-pitch propeller, the ancillary controls of GYHS is simplicity itself. With the gated selector flaps handle, the system is set-and-forget. The trim wheel and carburetor heat controls located conveniently beside the throttle, it's a simple and intuitive array of controls to manage on go-arounds and landings.

The View

With the instrument layout, the view forward from the pilot's seat is faily unobstructed. The narrow instrument panel ensures that every control is within easy reach, and no instrument is ever far from your vision. In its normal position, the view over the nose is very good, making maneuvering on the ground effortless.

The Cabin

A salesperson at Cessna will confidently tell you that the Cessna 152 is designed for two people. In practice, especially in winter, you may find that claim somewhat... optimistic. The narrow cabin offers enough comfort for two adults, but the disadvantage to easy-to-reach controls is that you will certainly be very... familiar... with your co-occupant. Unlike most flight school 152s, GYHS contains a set of brand-new upholstry that is well cared for through the years.

Control Systems

An old design has its merits. Most of the control surfaces of the Cessna 152 are in the style pictured above (rudder control linkage). This makes your daily preflight a breeze, especially in winter where digging around the gaps between the control surfaces is particularly difficult with thick gloves on. Plus, when your flight examiner points to a control for you to explain, it is effortless to point out the connection and method of interaction between a control arm and the corresponding control surface.

Hydraulic Systems

Like most basic training aircrafts, the one hydraulic system on the aircraft is the brake system. Unlikely a car, each main wheel has its independent brake system. Known as "differential brakes", each main wheel brake is activated by tilting the corresponding rudder pedal forward. This enables the airplane to turn using its nosewheel as well as pivoting around the wheel being braked.

Pitot Systems

The wing hosts most of the openings on the Cessna 152. The most prominent feature is the pitot tube. In GYHS, the heating system is still in working order as well. Further out along the wing is the opening for the stall warning horn, operated by the low pressure over the wing sucking air out through the hole. Tucked behind the wing strut is the fuel vent. Air enters the fuel tank through the vent to replace the fuel with air as fuel is burnt.

Fuel System

Between two wing tanks holding 13 US gallons of fuel each, GYHS has a useful flight time of over 2 hours. Despite its slight deficiency in pure speed, it is still more than quick enough to comfortably navigate to nearby airports in the training area. Since the fuel tanks are in the wings above the engine, there is no need to have the mechanical complexity of a fuel pump, nor do you have to worry about your fuel pressure. The single ON-OFF fuel selector is very simple to operate.


Equipped with the Lycoming O-235 four cylinder, horizontally opposed, air-cooled, 110bhp piston engine, the Cessna 152 will not win any climb rate competition. Taking off at maximum takeoff weight, you will find that the best-rate-of-climb speed is very much a necessity. On the flip side, the small engine is incredibly efficient, significantly helping the 152 in being economical to operate.